Elite Application 2024 – Available at this new link

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Elite Application 2024 – Available at this new link

Please answer the questions on this Private Application Form. Enjoy the process of applying. Much of this application process is for your benefit. It may remind you of additional areas where you may want to apply the powerful Tools and processes. “There is no right or wrong, only levels of truth and consciousness when assessing an applicant.”

Additional Terms

I understand that some practice and dedication will be required of me, such as using the special, exclusive Elite CD regularly, to fully realize the gifts received during the Elite Development Course.

Disclaimer and Personal Information

I freely acknowledge that I am aware that John Douglas and his associates are not medical doctors or any other kind of medical practitioners and they have not represented themselves in any way as possessing any medical expertise or medical training whatsoever and they have not prescribed, diagnosed, treated or recommended any particular treatment or medication or substance for me with respect to my injury, ailment or disease that I may possess.

I have not been cajoled, coerced, threatened or persuaded by John Douglas; directors and affiliates of CMA; CMA International Foundation or his/their associates to undergo or partake in any particular knowledge course, training, treatment, medication or substance and that I freely acknowledge that any unorthodox or unusual training, treatment, medication or substance that I may utilize is done with my full awareness and acknowledgment that it is of my own free will. I also fully acknowledge that no representations, promises or warranties, express or implied, have been made to me by John Douglas or his associates as to the benefits or results that I may gain or experience as a result of attending any knowledge course, training, workshop seminar and the like. I attend such events of my own free will with no expectation of any health, spiritual or other personal benefits whatsoever.

I, the undersigned, for myself, my heirs, successors, executors, administrators and assignees, hereby release and forever discharge John Douglas; directors and affiliates of CMA; CMA International Foundation and his/their associates, their heirs, and his heirs, successors, executors, administrators and assignees, and CMA International Foundation from any and all actions, causes of action, claims and demands for or by reason of any damage, loss or injury, to person and property which heretofore has been or hereafter may be sustained in consequence of attending a lecture, seminar, workshop, personal consultation, media purchase or taking any medication, substance or treatment which I may use or consume in any respect of and for any attempts by myself or anyone on my behalf to cause temporary or permanent relief from the symptoms of any injury, ailment or disease with which I have been or will be diagnosed.


Please keep in mind, we are not doctors or medical professionals. We are a diverse international congregation focused on Spiritual Development. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness. We do not represent or warrant that any particular product or service is safe, appropriate or effective for you. If you have any health concerns, we strongly suggest consulting a qualified healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment options.

Acknowledgement of Faith-Based Blessings

By visiting this website, I acknowledge, understand, and have faith that references to the concepts of healing or treatments on this website are describing faith-based blessings performed by God and the Master Angels™ and not performed by any individual or affiliate of CMA International Foundation d/b/a the Church of the Master Angels™.

Neither CMA International, d/b/a Church of the Master Angels™, nor any of their affiliates, speakers, or representatives offer medical advice.

The statements and advice offered on this website have not been independently evaluated by the medical community.

The products and items on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition.

The products and items on this website are not substitutes for prudent medical care offered by a licensed medical professional.