Scientific Research

Medical Articles

Several research studies have now been published about the effects of Angelic Reformation® and healing.

Medical Miracles Book Three

Medical Miracles Attributed to Master John Douglas: Book Three
Medical Insights Gained from Observations of Angelic Reformation®
Author: Richard L. Sarnat, M.D.
Published November 5, 2023

Medical Miracles Book Two

Medical Miracles Attributed to Master John Douglas: Book Two
Medical Insights Gained from Observations of Angelic Reformation®
Author: Richard L. Sarnat, M.D.
Published October 24, 2021

SciVision Publishers
International Journal of Psychiatry Research
Long-term Remission of Secondary Nocturnal Enuresis achieved by eradication of presumed Central Nervous System Infectious Etiology
2021, volume 4, issue 3
Published June 2021

Medical Miracles Book One

Medical Miracles Attributed to Master John Douglas: Book One
Medical Insights Gained from Observations of Angelic Reformation®
Author: Richard L. Sarnat, M.D.
Published July 21, 2020

American Journal of Biomedical Science & Research
Miraculous Healing and Long-Term Medical Remission of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) – the role of Divinity within the Future of Medicine
2019, volume 3, issue 1
Published May 23, 2019

Juniper Publishers
Journal of Complementary Medicine and Alternative Healthcare
Miraculous Healing of Metastatic Squamous Cell Carcinoma – The Role of Adjunctive Energy Healing
Published January 9, 2019

ACTA Scientific
ACTA Scientific Orthopaedics
Miraculous healing of Severe Chronic Debilitating Plantar Arthropathy Without the use of Surgery or Pharmaceuticals
Volume 1 Issue 3, December 2018
Published December 1, 2018

Crimson Publishers
Advances in Complementary & Alternative Medicine
Miraculous Healing of Parkinson’s Disease Without the Use of Pharmaceuticals, Antibiotics or Surgery
Published September 12, 2018

Juniper Publishers
Journal of Yoga and Physiotherapy
Spontaneous Remissions and Medical Miracles – The Role of Divinity in the Future of Medicine
Published May 25, 2018

LIDSEN Publishing
OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine
Miraculous Healings of Chronic Lyme disease, Fibromyalgia and Sarcoidosis without the Use of Pharmaceuticals or Antibiotics
2018, volume 3, issue 2
Published April 12, 2018

Please keep in mind, we are not doctors or medical professionals. We are a diverse international spiritual congregation focused on the full development of the individual. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness. We do not represent or warrant that any particular product or service is safe, appropriate or effective for you. If you have any health concerns, we strongly suggest consulting a qualified healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment options before you approach CMA International Foundation for help with your advanced spiritual development.

Acknowledgement of Faith-Based Blessings

By visiting this website, I acknowledge, understand, and have faith that references to the concepts of healing or treatments on this website are describing faith-based blessings performed by God and the Master Angels™ and not performed by any individual or affiliate of CMA International Foundation d/b/a the Church of the Master Angels™.

Neither CMA International, d/b/a Church of the Master Angels™, nor any of their affiliates, speakers, or representatives offer medical advice.

The statements and information offered on this website have not been independently evaluated by the medical community.

CMA International Foundation wholeheartedly supports traditional medicine and works in conjunction with, and not in lieu of, conventional medical treatments.

The products and items on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition.

The products and items on this website are not substitutes for prudent medical care offered by a licensed medical professional.